CRW Coaching - Cultivating Resilient Women

Have you ever wondered if there is more that you are capable of? More that you can offer? Something is missing in your life? I am more than I am allowing myself to be? Is there something I can do that fuels my fire?

If you answered yes to one or all of the above then it’s time for you to step into your power and connect with your inner self, dreams, desires and goals. Embrace self love, self respect, self care and self belief. It’s your time!!! And I am here to guide you on this journey.

If you are...

- ready to move forward in life
- ready to do the work
- ready to release your fears
- ready to embrace body mind connection
- ready to open your mind to what is possible
- ready to quiet your ego
- ready to experience miracles
- ready to tap into your potential


Cindy Wechsler

Nurse Practitioner, Holistic Health Coach & Certified Mental Wellness Coach
I work with women to facilitate personal growth and an understanding around the steps necessary to move forward, take action, tap into your potential and unleash the resilient woman inside longing to emerge.

Cindy Wechsler is a Nurse Practitioner, Holistic Health Coach and Certified Mental Wellness Coach. She is passionate about helping others live a healthy, fulfilled life. Learning to love yourself changes your whole perspective and creates an inner strength and desire to unleash who you truly are. Self love is the best gift you can give yourself and the world. Life is meant to be lived. There is a big difference between existing and living. When you put aside your fears you experience life at it’s best.